VERSION "" NS_ : NS_DESC_ CM_ BA_DEF_ BA_ VAL_ CAT_DEF_ CAT_ FILTER BA_DEF_DEF_ EV_DATA_ ENVVAR_DATA_ SGTYPE_ SGTYPE_VAL_ BA_DEF_SGTYPE_ BA_SGTYPE_ SIG_TYPE_REF_ VAL_TABLE_ SIG_GROUP_ SIG_VALTYPE_ SIGTYPE_VALTYPE_ BO_TX_BU_ BA_DEF_REL_ BA_REL_ BA_DEF_DEF_REL_ BU_SG_REL_ BU_EV_REL_ BU_BO_REL_ SG_MUL_VAL_ BS_: BU_: RCU VehicleController VECU ACC ETC Tachogragh ABS ECM OBD VAL_TABLE_ Status_EBC1_SPN563 0 "passive" 1 "active" 2 "interpreted as passive" 3 "interpreted as passive" ; VAL_TABLE_ Status_EEC2_SPN558 0 "AP not in low idle condition (acceleration > 0)" 1 "AP in low idle condition (acceleration = 0)" 2 "interpreted as acceleration = 0" 3 "interpreted as acceleration = 0" ; BO_ 3221225472 VECTOR__INDEPENDENT_SIG_MSG: 0 Vector__XXX SG_ AmberWarningLampStatus : 0|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ RedStopLampStatus : 0|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ MalfunctionIndicatorLampStatus : 0|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" Vector__XXX SG_ OccurrenceCount : 0|7@0+ (1,0) [0|127] "" Vector__XXX BO_ 2565476556 DM3_Request: 8 OBD SG_ Request_DM3 : 7|24@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" RCU BO_ 2565476555 DM2_Request: 8 OBD SG_ Request_DM2 : 7|24@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" RCU BO_ 2565476554 DM1_Request: 8 OBD SG_ Request_DM1 : 7|24@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" RCU BO_ 2565865739 EBC1: 8 ABS SG_ ABSActive : 1|2@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" RCU BO_ 2364539395 ETC1: 8 ETC SG_ TransmissionOutputShaftSpeed : 15|16@0+ (0.125,0) [0|8191.875] "" RCU BO_ 2566840592 RCF1: 8 RCU BO_ 2566834960 DM2: 8 RCU SG_ MalfunctionIndicatorLampStatus : 7|2@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ RedStopLampStatus_SPN623 : 5|2@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ AmberWarningLampStatus_SPN624 : 3|2@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ ProtectLampStatus_SPN1987 : 1|2@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ SuspectParameterNumber_SPN1214 : 23|19@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ FarlureModeIdentifier_FMI : 36|5@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX SG_ OccurrenceCount_SPN1216 : 46|7@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" Vector__XXX BO_ 2565865488 ERC1: 8 RCU SG_ RetardRequestingBrakeLight : 27|2@0+ (1,0) [0|2] "" ECM SG_ RetarderTorqueMode : 3|4@0+ (1,0) [0|15] "" ECM SG_ RetarderEnableBrakeAssistSwitch : 5|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" ECM SG_ RetarderEnableShiftAssistSwitch : 7|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" ECM SG_ ActualRetarderPercentTorque : 15|8@0+ (1,-125) [0|125] "" ECM SG_ IntendedRetarderPercentTorque : 23|8@0+ (1,-125) [-125|130] "" ECM SG_ EngineCoolantLoadIncrease : 25|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" ECM SG_ DriverDemandRetarderTorque : 47|8@0+ (1,-125) [-125|130] "" ECM SG_ RetarderSwitchPercentTorque : 55|8@0+ (1,0) [0|255] "" ECM SG_ ActualMaximumAvailableTorque : 63|8@0+ (1,-125) [-125|130] "" ECM BO_ 2348814096 TSC1_ER: 8 RCU SG_ EngineOverrideControlMode : 1|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" ECM SG_ OverrideControlModePriority : 5|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" ECM SG_ EngineRequestTorqueLimit : 31|8@0+ (1,-125) [-125|130] "" ECM BO_ 2348820752 TSC1_EXR: 8 RCU SG_ EngineOverrideControlMode : 1|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" ECM SG_ EngineRequestTorqueLimit : 31|8@0+ (1,-125) [25|125] "" ECM SG_ OverrideControlModePriority : 5|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" ECM BO_ 2566834704 DM1: 6 RCU SG_ MalfunctionIndicatorLampStatus : 7|2@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" ECM SG_ RedStopLampStatus_SPN623 : 5|2@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" ECM SG_ AmberWarningLampStatus_SPN624 : 3|2@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" ECM SG_ SuspectParameterNumber_SPN1214 : 23|19@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" ECM SG_ FarlureModeIdentifier_FMI : 36|5@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" ECM SG_ OccurrenceCount_SPN1216 : 46|7@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" ECM SG_ ProtectLampStatus_SPN987 : 1|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" ECM BO_ 2632777488 DM1_MultiPacketBAMMessage: 8 Vector__XXX BO_ 2565537808 DM1_MultiPacketDTMessage: 0 Vector__XXX BO_ 2365484270 TCO1: 8 Tachogragh SG_ Tachographoutputshaftspeed : 39|16@0+ (0.125,0) [0|8191.875] "" RCU SG_ Tachographvehiclevelocity : 55|16@0+ (0.00390625,0) [0|255.99609375] "" RCU BO_ 2364539648 EEC2: 8 ECM SG_ AcceleratorPedallowidleswitch : 1|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ AcceleratorPedalPosition : 15|8@0+ (0.4,0) [0|102] "" RCU BO_ 2348814347 TSC1_AD: 8 ABS SG_ EngineOverrideControlMode : 7|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ RequestSpeedControlConditions : 5|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ OverrideControlModePriority : 3|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ RequestSpeed_SpeedLimit : 15|16@0+ (0.125,0) [0|8191.875] "" RCU SG_ EngineRequestTorqueLimit : 31|8@0+ (1,-125) [25|125] "" RCU BO_ 2364539904 EEC1: 8 ECM SG_ EngingSpeed : 31|16@0+ (0.125,0) [0|8191.875] "" RCU BO_ 2348814385 TSC1_V: 8 VehicleController SG_ EngineOverrideControlMode : 7|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ RequestSpeedControlConditions : 5|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ OverrideControlModePriority : 3|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ RequestSpeed_SpeedLimit : 15|16@0+ (0.125,0) [0|8191.875] "" RCU SG_ EngineRequestTorqueLimit : 31|8@0+ (1,-125) [25|125] "" RCU BO_ 2348814378 TSC1_ACC: 8 ACC SG_ EngineOverrideControlMode : 7|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ RequestSpeedControlConditions : 5|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ OverrideControlModePriority : 3|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ RequestSpeed_SpeedLimit : 15|16@0+ (0.125,0) [0|8191.875] "" RCU SG_ EngineRequestTorqueLimit : 31|8@0+ (1,-125) [25|125] "" RCU BO_ 2348814375 TSC1_FRD: 8 VECU SG_ EngineOverrideControlMode : 7|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ RequestSpeedControlConditions : 5|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ OverrideControlModePriority : 3|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ RequestSpeed_SpeedLimit : 15|16@0+ (0.125,0) [0|8191.875] "" RCU SG_ EngineRequestTorqueLimit : 31|8@0+ (1,-125) [25|125] "" RCU BO_ 2566844672 CCVS: 8 ECM SG_ Wheelbasedvehiclespeed : 15|16@0+ (0.00390625,0) [0|255.99609375] "" RCU SG_ Cruisecontrolactive : 25|2@0+ (1,0) [0|3] "" RCU SG_ Cruisecontrolspeed : 47|8@0+ (1,0) [0|255] "" RCU CM_ BU_ VehicleController "VehicleController - Vehicle Controller (0x31)"; CM_ BU_ VECU "VECU - Managem Computer / VECU (0x27)"; CM_ BU_ ACC "ACC - Adaptive Cruise Control (0x2A)"; CM_ BU_ ETC "Electronic Transmission Controller"; CM_ BU_ Tachogragh "TCO1-Tachogragh Output shaft speed signal TCO1 has priority 1, ETC1 has prioritpy 2. Vehicle velocity signal CCVS has priority 1 , TCO1 has priority 2. One of these signals has to be available for retarder operation. "; CM_ BU_ ABS "ABS System"; CM_ BU_ ECM "Engine Control Module"; CM_ BU_ RCU "Retarder Controller Unit"; CM_ BO_ 3221225472 "This is a message for not used signals, created by Vector CANdb++ DBC OLE DB Provider."; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 AmberWarningLampStatus "00: lamp off no previously active fault; 01: lamp on previously active fault(s)"; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 RedStopLampStatus "Set to 00b : Lamp off"; CM_ SG_ 3221225472 MalfunctionIndicatorLampStatus "Set to 00b : Lamp off"; CM_ BO_ 2565476556 "Request DM3 ( Byte 3, 2, 1 : 00 FF CC ), Clear error memory"; CM_ SG_ 2565476556 Request_DM3 "Request-DM3 (Clear error memory)"; CM_ BO_ 2565476555 "Request DM2 ( Byte 3, 2, 1 : 00 FF CB )"; CM_ BO_ 2565476554 "Request DM1 ( Byte 3, 2, 1 : 00 FF CA ) "; CM_ BO_ 2565865739 "EBC1 - Electronic Brake Controller 1"; CM_ BO_ 2364539395 "ETC1- Electronic Transmission Controller 1"; CM_ BO_ 2566840592 "RCF1 - Retarder Configuration 1"; CM_ BO_ 2566834960 "DM2 - Previously Active diagnostic code "; CM_ BO_ 2565865488 "ERC1 - Electronic Retarder Controller"; CM_ BO_ 2348814096 "TSC1_ER - Torque / Speed Control (to engine brake)"; CM_ BO_ 2348820752 "TSC1_EXR - Torque / Speed Control (to exhaust brake)"; CM_ BO_ 2566834704 "Active DTCs (Active diagnostic trouble code)"; CM_ SG_ 2566834704 ProtectLampStatus_SPN987 "Set to 00b : Lamp off"; CM_ BO_ 2365484270 "TCO1 - Tachograph"; CM_ BO_ 2364539648 "EEC2 - Electronic Engine Controller 2"; CM_ SG_ 2364539648 AcceleratorPedallowidleswitch "Accelerator Pedal (AP) Low Idle Switch"; CM_ SG_ 2364539648 AcceleratorPedalPosition "Accelerator Pedal (AP) Position [SPN91]"; CM_ BO_ 2348814347 "Source : 0x0B = ABS / EBS"; CM_ BO_ 2364539904 "EEC1 - Electronic Engine Controller 1"; CM_ BO_ 2348814385 "(Source : 0x27 = Managem. Computer / VECU)"; CM_ BO_ 2566844672 "CCVS - Cruise Control / Vehicle Speed"; BA_DEF_ "DBName" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "BusType" STRING ; BA_DEF_ "ProtocolType" STRING ; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgSendType" ENUM "cyclic","spontaneous","not-used","not-used","not-used","cyclicAndSpontaneous","not-used","cyclicIfActive","NoMsgSendType"; BA_DEF_ BO_ "GenMsgCycleTime" INT 0 65535; BA_DEF_ BO_ "CANFD_BRS" ENUM "0","1"; BA_DEF_ BO_ "VFrameFormat" ENUM "StandardCAN","ExtendedCAN","reserved","reserved","reserved","reserved","reserved","reserved","reserved","reserved","reserved","reserved","reserved","reserved","StandardCAN_FD","ExtendedCAN_FD"; BA_DEF_ SG_ "GenSigStartValue" FLOAT -3.4E+038 3.4E+038; BA_DEF_ SG_ "SigGroup" STRING ; BA_DEF_DEF_ "DBName" "Retarder Standard Specification"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "BusType" "CAN"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "ProtocolType" ""; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgSendType" "cyclic"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenMsgCycleTime" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "CANFD_BRS" "0"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "VFrameFormat" "ExtendedCAN"; BA_DEF_DEF_ "GenSigStartValue" 0; BA_DEF_DEF_ "SigGroup" "RCU_Group1"; BA_ "BusType" "CAN FD"; BA_ "ProtocolType" "CAN"; BA_ "DBName" "Retarder_Standard_Specification"; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2565865739 100; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2364539395 10; BA_ "CANFD_BRS" BO_ 2364539395 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566840592 1000; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566840592 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566834960 1000; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566834960 1; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2565865488 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2565865488 100; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2348814096 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2348814096 50; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2348820752 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2348820752 50; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566834704 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566834704 1000; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2632777488 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2632777488 100; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2565537808 1; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2365484270 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2365484270 50; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2364539648 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2364539648 50; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2348814347 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2348814347 50; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2364539904 100; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2364539904 1; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2348814385 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2348814385 50; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2348814378 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2348814378 50; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2348814375 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2348814375 50; BA_ "VFrameFormat" BO_ 2566844672 1; BA_ "GenMsgCycleTime" BO_ 2566844672 100; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2565865488 RetarderTorqueMode 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2565865488 RetarderEnableBrakeAssistSwitch 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2565865488 RetarderEnableShiftAssistSwitch 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2565865488 ActualRetarderPercentTorque 125; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2565865488 IntendedRetarderPercentTorque 125; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2565865488 EngineCoolantLoadIncrease 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2565865488 DriverDemandRetarderTorque 125; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2565865488 RetarderSwitchPercentTorque 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2565865488 ActualMaximumAvailableTorque 125; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814096 EngineOverrideControlMode 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814096 OverrideControlModePriority 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814096 EngineRequestTorqueLimit 125; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348820752 EngineOverrideControlMode 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348820752 EngineRequestTorqueLimit 250; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348820752 OverrideControlModePriority 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2566834704 ProtectLampStatus_SPN987 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2365484270 Tachographoutputshaftspeed 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2365484270 Tachographvehiclevelocity 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2364539648 AcceleratorPedallowidleswitch 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2364539648 AcceleratorPedalPosition 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814347 EngineOverrideControlMode 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814347 RequestSpeedControlConditions 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814347 OverrideControlModePriority 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814347 RequestSpeed_SpeedLimit 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814347 EngineRequestTorqueLimit 250; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2364539904 EngingSpeed 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814385 EngineOverrideControlMode 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814385 RequestSpeedControlConditions 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814385 OverrideControlModePriority 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814385 RequestSpeed_SpeedLimit 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814385 EngineRequestTorqueLimit 250; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814378 EngineOverrideControlMode 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814378 RequestSpeedControlConditions 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814378 OverrideControlModePriority 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814378 RequestSpeed_SpeedLimit 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814378 EngineRequestTorqueLimit 250; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814375 EngineOverrideControlMode 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814375 RequestSpeedControlConditions 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814375 OverrideControlModePriority 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814375 RequestSpeed_SpeedLimit 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2348814375 EngineRequestTorqueLimit 250; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2566844672 Wheelbasedvehiclespeed 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2566844672 Cruisecontrolactive 0; BA_ "GenSigStartValue" SG_ 2566844672 Cruisecontrolspeed 0; VAL_ 2565865739 ABSActive 0 "passive" 1 "active" 2 "interpreted as passive" 3 "interpreted as passive" ; VAL_ 2364539648 AcceleratorPedallowidleswitch 0 "AP not in low idle condition (acceleration > 0)" 1 "AP in low idle condition (acceleration = 0)" 2 "interpreted as acceleration = 0" 3 "interpreted as acceleration = 0" ;